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This page is dedicated to our colleagues who died while stationed at Laindon during the 80's

Constable Dave Worsfold
Dave Worsfold was tragically killed on the A127, on 5th March 1987.

David was 28 years old and had joined the Essex Police in August 1977. He served for 3 1/2 years at Tilbury before joining the Rayliegh Traffic Division as a motorcyclist. He joined Laindon Traffic in 1982.

David left a wife Jackie & 2 year old son Ashley.

He was a very dear friend to both me & my wife. We have kept in touch with Jackie over the years and can inform you that she is happy and well, living in Suffolk. Ashley is now 16 years old.
Constable Bert Ruggles
I have no pictures of Bert and would be very gratefull for any information about his police service.
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