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Bryn Seldon
The idea of this site is to remember an era, now past, when Policing was fun and we were young.
I want to contact serving and retired members of staff at Laindon between 1980 & 1989 in order to post information about themselves and their photographs of a very special time in all our lives.
I find as I get older my memory fails regarding people, faces, places & dates. I need your help.

The History or Story Behind My Site. 1st March 2001
I decided to build this site after attending the funeral of Rod Daniels at Chelmsford on Tuesday 27th February 2001.

I saw a lot of faces not seen since I left the Essex Police in 1988. I feel I want to remember all the staff involved during that time in a way that all involved can share.

We all have busy lives but please take some time to look for and send any pictures you have to share with others.

I want to add the names of others involved in this area and look forward to hearing from you all very soon

Information supplied so far by the following:-
Steve Mowday
Jackie Worsfold
Simon Toliday
Martin Potter
Bryn Seldon

Email Me!

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